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XML Flash. Create button & assign link (AS 3.0)
May 20, 2011
This tutorial will show you how to create a button and assign an External link in Flash XML template, using AS3 (actions script 3.0)
1) Locate "All Content" movie clip. It may also be named as "pages", "pages_all" "pages2"

2) Import an image to your library: File – Import – Import to Library

Then locate this image in the library and drag it into the Scene.
3) Convert this image into the button:
right click on the image and choose Convert to Symbol option choose button and click OK

Select your new button and navigate to Properties panel.
There, you should spcify the "instance name"
This can be anything you wish. We are going to use "imagenew" in this example:

4) Navigate to the timeline, and create a new layer.

Press F9 key to open the action script panel and insert a script:

- specify your "instance name" here
- specify your website URL address here
- use "_blank" for opening page in New Window and use "_top" to open in the same window.
5) Publish your .fla file: press CTRL+ENTER or File-> Publish Preview-> Flash
Note: this button will only work once uploaded to the server. It will not open the URL while previewing the .SWF file itself.
Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below: create button assign link as3 xml flash