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JS Animated. How to implement jQuery “Magnific Popup” lightbox plugin
January 21, 2014
This tutorial is going to show you how to implement the jQuery Magnific Popup lightbox plugin into your JS Animated template.
JS Animated. How to implement jQuery “Magnific Popup” lightbox pluginMagnific Popup is a fast, light, mobile-friendly and responsive lightbox and modal dialog plugin built using the jQuery library. To see it in action, you can play with examples on CodePen. To add it to your page:
Download Magnific-Popup-master.zip from http://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup on your computer and unpack it.
Copy the dist folder from the unzipped package and paste into the site folder of your template package.
- Open the .html file with the image you want to apply the plugin to and add the libraries and the table of styles to it in DreamWeaver inside of the tag:
- Find the line with the image e.g.
- And change it to
- In the images folder there should be image_big.jpg and image_small.jpg accordingly.
- To initialize the popup, add the following to your .html file right before the closing tag or in the footer of your site (before the closing 紫燕食品 鲸鱼阅读 Sun-City-Group-sales@asungroup.com 多游网 Sabah-sports-betting-sales@swissabc.net 博彩网站 新葡新京 Sabah-online-platform-info@pf168shop.com 厦门蓝房网 长春科技学院 亚洲体育博彩平台 17173御龙在天专区 Crown-Sports-sales@muurausahvenlampi.com 太阳城娱乐城 Crown-Sports-contactus@rdsy.net 三门峡赶集网 合肥一中 Wade-feedback@shushijia.net 太阳城官方入口 体育博彩 广东女子职业技术学院 中国项目合作网 道达尔中国 晴空万里 搜狐女人 3D电影下载专区 抚顺人才网 交通网 穿越小说吧网 万杰智能 爱意二手车 站点地图 郑州奥数网